PA 211 Chester County

Chester County has recently restructured and expanded upon the way that we are able to provide Information & Referral Services through a new initiative called the Human Needs Network of Chester County.  Within this new initiative, we have entered a partnership with PA 211 that will provide services to all Chester County residents calling 211. Calls are now handled by the Chester County Information & Referral Navigators, which are also County staff, located in our contact center in Chester County. Chester County’s contact center is in operation Monday through Friday from 8:00AM – 8:00PM EST. This will improve the county’s efforts in supporting individuals and families in identifying and accessing the correct human services.

In addition to our call center handling 211 calls, we are introducing a new role and service to Chester County. This new position of Information & Referral Mobile Navigators will operate as an extension of our 211 services out in the field. The Mobile Navigators are now taking in-person dispatches, working with providers in their territories, attending events, and holding public tabling hours at multiple libraries in Chester County. Lastly, the Information and referral call team is responsible for handling coordinated entry efforts for homeless inquiries into PA 211.


The vision for the Human Needs Network is to advance a comprehensive, effective, and accessible human service crisis response and information & referral system for all Chester County Residents. Our goal for information & referral services is to improve the county’s efforts in supporting individuals and families in identifying and accessing the correct services.

211 Counts Logo

To see data on the requests made to PA 211 over time, with the option to filter by county, district, or needs categories, visit PA’s page on 211 Counts.

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